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> Do you happen to know if anyone has written an addin for 
> Visual Studio that allows you to use Lua, or Python, to 
> manipulate VS COM objects so you can write macro plugins in 
> languages other than VB? People either seem to write COM 
> addins or write VB scripts, but if you exposed the VS COM 
> stuff I think you could use it with LuaCOM or PythonCOM?

The latest LuaCOM MAY be able to access the DTE object.  I know the
custom version of LuaCOM in LuaPlus can access VS .NET's DTE object and
all the associated enums, but it only did it after I greatly enhanced
the Lua 3 implementation.  In particular, the Lua 3 implementation
couldn't access enums or deal with byref variants or make safe arrays.
The new LuaCOM beta may be able to do that, but I haven't investigated

> What would be really nice would be a VS addin which combined 
> Lua COM and Tcl/Tk stuff so you could write macros with GUIs. 
> Would anyone care to speculate on the ease of this?

That would be cool, but I couldn't even figure out how to get the macro
system to playback Javascript functions internal to the IDE (I could,
however, use Javascript to automate the IDE externally).  So who knows?
