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> Hi, I am currently writing a tool to analyse C++ code (possibly with 
> user defined extensions) and generate user defined 
> informations from it 
> (something a bit similar to openc++, but output is not 
> necessarily C++ 
> code). This tool will be written with lua so that user 
> extensions will 
> be easy to write.
> One application will be to generate bindings for scripting languages.
> I have the feeling that all the problems you are pointing out when 
> creating a binding from original header files may be solved by using 
> correctly defined user extensions and rules (for example 
> regexp rules on 
> function names). However, my stuff is experimental and not yet 
> functional, so we will see how it goes :)

Possibly, I know wxLua uses ctags to parse wxWindows, then Lua to parse
the output and generate a binding. I'd hate to have to maintain the
binding to something like wxWindows (its enormous!). I can appreciate
Pauls approach. I think this method makes it easier to patch up your
bindings when the bound library alters version. Perhaps you should look
at wxLua and the Lua script there, job may be aleady done and you could
generalise it? For smaller jobs I find just making package files is the
quickest way to go. 


BTW: Forgot to add features required for tolua - the most obvious, Lua 5