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> Which are the ´suspicious´ points of 5.0a ?

* As lhf pointed out, there is the problem with garbage collection of
coroutines (see
Maybe we will have to create a new type in Lua, "threads". This in turn
may change the way threads are created and managed. (This should only
affect programs that use coroutines and/or multi-threading.)

* We are considering the option of each C function having its own
"global" table (like Lua functions already have). Again, this could
change only the way C libraries are loaded in programs that already
use the new facility of multiple global tables.

* We may change some names in lauxlib.h (but there will be `#defines' to
keep compatibility). We are considering the elimination of underscores
in those names, to follow the pattern in lua.h.

That's all. We are trying to release a beta version only after finished
all planned changes, and to change from beta to final only in case of
real bugs. That includes the documentation too, so we are planning to
release beta only with a "complete" manual.

-- Roberto