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Victor Bogado da Silva Lins wrote:
> You know that the sintax could be :
> <script>
> if a == b then print(A); else print(B); end
> </script>
> --
> []'s Victor Bogado da Silva Lins

Yes, that would be possible. However, then you cannot 
use your XML parser as the scripting engine, and you'll 
need an additional (LUA) script parser. That's not a 
very economical solution. Or is there a DOM
XML parser of a similar size as LUA? 

If you're already using LUA for scripting, then why not 
also use it for data definition?  XML is easy for data 
definition. However, Lua can do that too, and
Lua doesn't need to be extended in any way to make 
scripting easy, which is not true for XML. 

Lua has it all, scripting, data definition, 
reflexive features, object orientation, ...
And all in a very modest size. 

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer