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Stefan Boberg wrote:
>    Oh come on... what's the big deal? If you're that bothered, just rip
> it out and replace it with the standard printf. After all, you do have
> the *free* source there.
> Cheers,
> Stef! :)

Of course, this sword cuts both ways, 
and we could ask you to change printf by something else. 
AFAIK, printf is only used in one macro, so redefine
that one and you're all set. For the rest, I leave
all such descisions up to the makers of Lua/

However, my point of view is that lua
is not only for embedded environments. 
Lua is for ANSI C environments. If your 
environment falls short of ANSI C standards 
in any way, then it's your reponsability to stop 
the gaps and not ours, IMO. There are 
free open source "tiny" C libraries available.

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer