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Dear Luiz Henrique

  Thanks for bringing PDFLib to my attention
and for the Lua binding for it. Had you
considered asking PDFLib to add your binding
to their distribution? It would help to
publicize Lua.

  I have succeeded in compiling PDFLib and
your binding to make an application, Scribble
so that we poor benighted Risc OS users can
now at last construct PDF files. There is no
Acrobat for us, of course.

 You will be able to see the form that Scribble
scripts take from my modification of your file,
as below:

-- Scribble v.0.1
-- G.C.Wraith 03/07/02

local PDF = {}

local END = function (x)
            execute("settype "..x.file.." pdf")  -- Risc OS specific
            end -- function

settagmethod(tag(PDF),"gettable",function (a,i)
             local f = getglobal("PDF_"..i)
             if f == nil then return rawgettable(a,i)
               return function (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10)
                      return %f(a1.p,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10)
                      end -- function
             end -- if

BEGIN = function (file)
         local p = PDF_new()
         local x = { p = p, file = file, END = %END}
         return x
         end -- function
end -- do

A0 = { width = 2380, height = 3368 }
A1 = { width = 1684, height = 2380 }
A2 = { width = 1190, height = 1684 }
A3 = { width = 842, height = 1190 }
A4 = { width = 595, height = 842 }
A5 = { width = 421, height = 595 }
A6 = { width = 297, height = 421 }
B5 = { width = 501, height = 709 }
Letter = { width = 612, height = 792 }
Legal = { width = 612, height = 1008 }
Ledger = { width = 1224, height = 792 }


Gavin Wraith (
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