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What about NSPR <>?


Richard Vandenberg wrote:
From: Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo [] (If someone knows a fast, small, portable function that converts floating-point numbers to strings such that

Have you looked at JPL-C? It's a portable C runtime, circa 1984, from
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

You should be able to get it from Simtel
(, or I can email it to you if
you'd like.

I haven't verified that it meets your requirements, but I don't see why
it wouldn't. Certainly it's easy enough to strip out what you need for
your purposes, and convert the K&R declarations to ANSI.



Richard Vandenberg, President
Vandenberg Systems Inc

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk <ccharabaruk [at] meldstar [dot] com>
Meldstar Studios <> - Creation, cubed.