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This is the list of known bugs in 4.0.

-- Roberto

--- Version 4.0

** lparser.c
Wed Nov 29 09:51:44 EDT 2000
>> parser does not accept a `;' after a `return'
(by lhf; since 4.0b)

** liolib.c
Fri Dec 22 15:30:42 EDT 2000
>> when `read' fails it must return nil (and not no value)
(by cassino; since at least 3.1)

** lstring.c/lapi.c
Thu Feb  1 11:55:45 EDT 2001
>> lua_pushuserdata(L, NULL) is buggy
(by Edgar Toernig; since 4.0)

** ldo.c
Fri Feb  2 14:06:40 EDT 2001
>> «while 1 dostring[[print('hello\n')]] end» never reclaims memory
(by Andrew Paton; since 4.0b)

** lbaselib.c
Tue Feb  6 11:57:13 EDT 2001
>> ESC (which starts precompiled code) in C is \33, not \27
(by Edgar Toernig and lhf; since 4.0b)

** lparser.c
Tue Jul 10 16:59:18 EST 2001
>> error message for `%a' gave wrong line number
(by Leonardo Constantino; since 4.0)

** lbaselib.c
Fri Dec 21 15:21:05 EDT 2001
>> seg. fault when rawget/rawset get extra arguments
(by Eric Mauger; since 4.0b)