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Hi there,

I think this is a typical beginner problem, so I hope someone can give me  
an answer :)

In my C(++) code of my game project I call a hook function defined in the  
Lua code with a handle to a game object (passed via a "tolua" function)  
each time when it is updated:

int do_hook_object_update(Object *o)
  char func[50];
  int retcode = 0;

  sprintf(func, "hook_object_update", n);
  tolua_pushusertype(lua.get_state(),(void*)o,tolua_tag(lua.get_state(),"Object"));, 1);
  if (lua.isnumber(1)) ret = (int)lua.tonumber(1);

  return ret;

I do this with other events, too (when object is dead, when it is hit, and  
so on), but the code above is called 60 times a second - and this is  
causing a stack overflow after a few seconds.

The lua functions are encapsulated inside a little C++ class I found  
somewhere, so don't mind :)

Am I doing something really nasty wrong?

Thx a lot,