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I recently updated an project to lua version 4.1 w4 and got some troubble
with precompiled code.
Here is a simple example

if nil ~= 1 then

If this is run from source it prints "hello", but if its run as precompiled
chunk I get

error: bad constant type (0) in `luac.out'

here is the listing from luac:

main <0:@test.lua> (7 instructions, 28 bytes at 002F3C78)
0 params, 2 stacks, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 4 constants, 0 functions, 4 lines
	1	[1]	LOADK      	0 1	; 1
	2	[1]	TESTEQ     	0 0 250	; ? type=0

	3	[1]	JMP        	0 3	; to 7
	4	[2]	GETGLOBAL  	0 2	; "print"
	5	[2]	LOADK      	1 3	; "hallo"
	6	[2]	CALL       	0 2 1
	7	[3]	RETURN     	0 1 0
constants (4) for 002F3C78:
	0	? type=0

	1	1
	2	"print"
	3	"hallo"
locals (0) for 002F3C78:
