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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

Is the function name from the call still somewhere in the lua stack or can I somehow else retrieve the function name under which it was called ?

If you register the same C function with different names in Lua, they are actually different objects in Lua and you can use the debug interface to find
the name it was registered. Try this:

static int F(lua_State *L) {
lua_Debug ar;
printf("F called as %s\n",;
return 0;


That works, thanks!

However, with the following code
   a = MyFunction

lua_getinfo() of course returns "a", not "MyFunction".

This isn't too important for the moment, but it means that any method calls to functions stored in anything other than their matching name variables will fail. On the other side, maybe I could create proxy functions for each possible method call dynamically somehow (now this will fool the debugger! :)

