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Warning, longer text approaching :)

To better understand my problem, here's a little preface about my scripting design. My application supports multiple scripting languages through a simple abstraction layer. This layer manages C++ method publishing to scripts by assigning each method a unique MethodID which is then called through sort of an "Invoke" function in a base class all scripting-enabled classes have to implement:

class CPublishedClass :
 public CScript::CCallable {

 void Foo(int bar) {} // A method which is callable by the script

 // CScript::CCallable implementation
 OnScriptRegister(CScript *pScript) {
   pScript->BeginClass("CPublishedClass", this);
   m_midFoo = pScript->RegisterMethod("Foo");

 OnScriptInvoke(CScript *pScript, MethodID mid) {
   switch(mid) {
     case m_midFoo: {

As you can see, the CScript (from which CLuaScript, CTCLScript or anything could be derived) records the class in BeginClass() and assigns each method that gets added to it a unique MethodID. When the script calls a method, the script has to look up the class pointer internally and then invoke the method through the class' CCallable::Invoke() method.

The CLuaScript then works like this (sorry, this still only exists in my head for now):

static int ScriptDispatcher(void) {
 // Get global value for this-pointer of CLuaScript instance
 int mid = pLuaScript->FindMethodID(/* >>> MY NAME <<< */);

 pLuaScript->GetClassFromMethodID(mid)->Invoke(pLuaScript, mid);

class CLuaScript :
 public CScript {

   CLuaScript(void) {
     m_pLuaState = lua_Open(0);

     // Set a global value for the script to
     // retrieve the this pointer out of the lua_State

   virtual ~CLuaScript(void) {

   void RegisterMethod(const std::string &sName) {
     lua_register(sName, ScriptDispatcher);

   lua_State *m_pState;

Ok, the big >>> MY NAME <<< above is the problem:
As you see each function registered to lua is associated with one and the same C function which will then dispatch the method calls to the registered classes. I don't know how I should instantiate a proxy function for each script function I add, so the problem is that the static dispatcher function doesn't know as what it was just called, was it Foo() or maybe Moo() ?

Is the function name from the call still somewhere in the lua stack or can I somehow else retrieve the function name under which it was called ?
Or do you have a better design for my scripting layer even ;) ?


----> Short version <----

int Foo(void) {
 printf("Am I Foo() or Moo( ?)");

void Register(void) {
 lua_Register(LuaState, Foo, "Foo");
 lua_Register(LuaState, Foo, "Moo");
