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>you might want to take a look at tolua
>or one of the other code wrappers on the page

By the way... after using tolua for a while, I decided that I needed
something simpler but more suited to low-level hand-crafted code (e.g.
functions accepting a variable number of arguments), so I wrote yet another
"code wrapper".
It is called "glua" (Lua-C glue), it is minimalist but very efficient and
it has error checking and meaningful error messages like tolua (usertypes
included). A typical C definition looks like this:

  /*----- A minimal function: compute a bitwise AND -----*/

  /* Lua: c = Bitand(a, b)  [a,b,c: integers] */

    int a = glua_getInteger(1);  /* get arg #1 */
    int b = glua_getInteger(2);  /* get arg #2 */
    glua_getNone(3);             /* error if extra args */
    glua_pushNumber(a & b);      /* compute and return 1 numeric result */
    return 1;

(the missing open brace is intentional -- macros at work)
and, later in the file:

  /*----- List of functions visible from Lua -----*/

  static glua_fitem flist[] = {
    /* ... */

  /*----- Initialization -----*/

  void gluatest_open (lua_State* lua)
    glua_regFunctions(flist);               /* functions */
    /* numeric constants can be defined too */
    /* usertags are defined and registered here */

I wrote glua a few months ago to interface with low-level graphics, than I
had a work overload and never got around to write a documentation.
If somebody is interested, I can try to find time to make that last step.
