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Hullo everybody,

  I'm quite stumped with some weird foreach() behavior I met in lua-4.1-work. The following code:
table = { n = 0 }
for i = 1, 4 do
  tinsert(table, i)
  table["i_"..table.n] = i

print"Using `foreach':"
foreach(table, print)

print"Using `for i,v in':"
for i,v in table do print(i,v) end
  ...should of course print the same thing both when using `foreach()' and the `for' keyword (it should, shouldn't it? I've RTFM, and as far as I understand, both forms should be equivalent... right?).

  However, on my LinuxPPC box it doesn't, printing instead:

Using `foreach':
1	1
2	2
3	3
4	4
Using `for i,v in':
1	1
2	2
3	3
4	4
i_4	4
i_1	1
i_2	2
i_3	3
n	4

  The bug doesn't manifest itself for all values of `i' -- only some work (e.g., 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 20). How quaint and nice of it.

  I've ran the code above in a typical run-of-the-mill RedHat 7.2 distro and it worked perfectly -- your mileage might vary. In both cases, I pretty much compiled Lua as it was, just adding debug info and the READLINE option.

  Any ideas on why this is happening? I'll try and debug it if I get the time...

  Kind regards to all,

Pedro Miller Rabinovitch
Diretoria de Tecnologia
Cipher Technology

"Segurança em TI - uma especialidade Cipher Technology"