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Thanks for pointing out that typo! I'm very new to Lua, so I'm afraid I
don't have a clear idea of what the usual bug-hunting procedure is. So far
I've been relying on my console output to find problems. Is there any good
documentation on debugging lua code anywhere?

Thanks, Philip Bock

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Toernig" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: Userdata and methods

> Philip Bock wrote:
> >
> > All console_write() does is output it's (string) argument to
> > cerr, so I can't see how it should be generating a segfault.
> Me neither.  The code you posted looks correct (except a typo,
> console_wirte instead of console_write; but that should not
> generate a segfault).  Maybe you should start applying the
> usual bug hunting procedures ;-)
> Ciao, ET.