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Short update on my progress:
It compiled ok, the lua.exe interpreter works.
I tried the following script:
lib, errmsg = loadlib( "expat" )
  if lib then
    callfromlib( lib, "XML_ParserCreate" )
    error( errmsg )

which gets the lib loaded ok, but when I get to actually doing 'callfromlib'
it crashes with an application error, a memory violation

when I do this with a 'bogus' functionname (a name that doesn't exist in the
lib) I get an normal lua error 'error: The specified procedure could not be
found', as would be expected...

so far, still digging,
> Also I just found a newer version of name loadlib (loadlib.c,v 1.2
> 2001/01/11 17:59:38 ana) here:
> which I could actually compile without changes!!

> I still need to test and verify if it actually work, but so far I'm all
> happy!