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>1. Don't claim the code's yours (because the licence must be included with
>all copies).
>2. Don't sue me (all warranty is disclaimed).

This is almost exactly what we mean in our Lua license. Is it not?
There is only an extra bit about marking modified versions as such.
(How do the other licenses handle this?)

I guess we could have made Lua public domain, if it were not for the fact
that it was developed in TeCGraf for use in its products. In this sense, Lua is
and should remain a TeCGraf product. We don't want and TeCGraf can't afford
someone copyrighting Lua and then sueing TeCGraf!

On the other hand, the fact the Lua is copyrighted should not be an obstacle to
its being widely used, even in commercial applications.

We can see that it might be simpler for everyone to have a mainstream license
instead of our own, and so we'll discuss this and see whether the new-style BSD
license fits our needs. This will take a while, because we don't want to trade
something which we (think) we understand by something that might be too
complex to understand. (Legalese is always obscure; you should read some
legal papers written in Portuguese...)

We certainly do not want GPL and copyleft, because, like you say, it is seen
by many people as an obstacle to commercial applications.
(Plus I for one don't really understand what GPL says exactly and it's not
just me, from what I've seen recently in the list.)