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It doesn't load shared libraries, it loads lua files (or compiled lua
files). The purpose of it is to indicate what files your code needs to have
loaded in order to work. It keeps a list of all files that have been loaded
and makes sure not to load the same file a second time.

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the luaswig to wrap some C functions. In one of its
> examples has the function call like this:
>     require("./")
> When running,
> error: invalid control char;
>   last token read: `0x7F' at line 1 in file `././'
> stack traceback:
>    1:  function `require' [C]
>    2:  main of file `t_1.lua' at line 1
> I realized it's a new standard function but could not find any
> for it. How does it load shared library?