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Interesting code.
But what I want to do is keep the value, so I can issue a lua_call() later


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: den 4 september 2001 18:09
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: Get the function value

You don't get the function name, you get the function. You can then call
it; see below

> How do I get the function value from the stack?

Sample Lua code:

function onTimer()

function onInit()
     -- This is a C function
     setTimer( 5.0, onTimer );

C code:

static int setTimer(lua_State *L)
     if ( lua_isnumber( L, 1 ) )
          g_waitTime = lua_tonumber( L, 1 );

     // lua_typename( L, lua_type( L, 2 ) )
     // returns "function" which is what I want :)

/// here is a simple way of doing it
          lua_settop(L, 2);        /* make sure there's no more on the
stack */
          lua_rawcall(L, 0, 0);    /* no arguments, no return values */

/* who cares what the name is?
     g_functionName = // How do I get this parameter?
     return 0;


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