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----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Trout" <>

Sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself there. I'd forgotten you dont have to use
anonymous functions in functions now:

Still would be nice to be able to to t = { function a() ... end }

This would help with the clarity of your class layout(?)

| function declare_mainship()
|   local classinfo = {
|     _parents = { air_physics, controllable, collidable },
|     Condition = "Healthy",
|     imgdir = 2.0,   -- the image index
|     rimgdir = 1.0,
|     direction = 0.0, -- in degrees
|     bullet_type = "bullet",
|     objtype = "mainship",
|     exp_timer = 0.0,
|     frame_time = 70,
|     layer = 1,
|     damage = 0,
|     damage_max = 10,
|     recharge_rate = 0.1,
|     VisualRep = VisualReps.newDropShip
|   }
   -- dummy ai_event
   function classinfo:ai_event (self)
|   -- constructor

   function classinfo:new (self,a_list) -- constructor

|     if (type(a_list) ~= "table") then
|       print("mainship:new() called with non-table "..tostring(a_list));
|     else
|      a_list._parents = { self };
|      a_list.key = {}; -- make our private keydown list
|      a_list.ctrl_centered = 1.0;
|      a_list.dest_dir = 0.0;
|     end
|     return a_list
|   end

   function classinfo:recharge (self,byWhom) -- recharge method

|     local damage = self.damage;
|     if (damage > 0) then
|       damage = max(0,damage - recharge_rate);
|       self.damage = damage;
|     end
|   end
|   declare_class("MainShip", classinfo)
| end