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> 	Why don't you take a look at HTMLToolkit and HTK libraries?
> Both of them can be used directly with Lua, although designed for
> CGILua.  The documentation isn't very good (I think I'm the only
> user), but it can be improved if someone send me requests for.
> 	I'll update it now for a few bug corrections.  The URL:
> 	Tomas

	Yes, thanks for the HTMLToolkit and HTK libraries, it's a great tool to
simplify HTML output in a organized and elegant form, and no, you're not the
only guy in this world that uses it! I think that the documentation is good
and I'm happy to know that you will mantain up to date new versions to
conform with new versions of CGILua, without forget Lua 4.0 and, in the near
future, Lua 4.1.
