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>I'm a little unclear on wether the 4.0 tar file on the official sites is
>always the latest greatest "found a bug and now it's patched" version, or if
>I have to scour the list for all mentions of patches and bugfixes and fix
>them myself.

You can look at the dates: lua-4.0.tar.gz is dated 6 Nov 2000 19:15,
and so it's still the original release.

In general, a tar file is never updated to include bug fixes unless the bugs
are really bad (this only happened 3 times ever: once in 2.5 and twice in 3.2).
In this case, the bugs are usually found just after the version is released
and we update the tar file silently to avoid noise. The version number is
then added a third digit. For instance, the current 3.2 version is actually

>Also, in attempting to research the above, I was wondering what format the
>list archive file is in.

It's a gzip'ed unix mailbox.

>Winzip seems to know, but has troubles extracting
>bits of it because it's a little bit broken. It also doesn't seem to be a
>gziped file either.

You're probably not setting binary transfers on your ftp client or your
web browser does not know about .gz files. Try using the ftp://... url instead
of the http://... one.

>By the way, I'm not the only one that knows that is
>missing most of the pages, right? is not being updated because its not yet the official site.