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> > Not so many who are looking at Lua for fun.
> Oh, come on.  Programming is fun.  And Lua is for programers :-)

I like that!

> If I understand you right, you want to play with code like you can in
> Lisp or Scheme?  Is that even reasonable for a language with syntax and
> lexical semantics?  And by the way, I don't like self modifying code ;-)

The syntax bit is a good point. Dealing with while, for &c. is a little
awkward. Actually, I'm not exactly sure what I want, but I don't think I
want self-modifying code. However, I'd like to be able to interchange data
and code, e.g. think of function applications as much the same as
constructors, and assignments as the same as fields. So maybe I only want to
be able to modify simple statements, not blocks. I haven't really thought
through what I'd do with it yet; it just seemed that blocks could easily be
the same as tables, and that would remove another irregularity from Lua/Sol.

-- | perfect, a.  unsatirizable