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Alan Watson wrote:
> > The main one I haven't seen on the list yet is making code first class. A
> > code block should be a table of statements, so instead of
> >
> > do ... end
> >
> > you write (in unsugared notation)
> >
> > { ... }
> >
> > This allows code to be manipulated by programs.
> I think this can be accomplished this by keeping an array of
> strings, modifying the strings as required, and then having
> a "dotable" function that concatenates the strings and then
> does a "dostring". It's not especially clean, but I think it
> covers all you need. Am I missing something?

Phantastic ideas - some of my thoughts

a block is either:
- a string containing Sol/Lua code
- a table containing a sequence of blocks
- a function application; how should that look?
- a table containing blocks whose results should be concatenated

I'm not quite sure whether a distinction between block and expression
needs to be maintained. There is none in Scheme/Lisp.
