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From: "Dan Joergensen" <> :
|I'm currently investigating the use of Lua script for massive online 3D
games... Does anyone have solid statement...
|I have been looking at Python and Pike

In a word, yes Lua can work here.

For what it's worth, we're using Lua as an extension language on both client and
server for an online game (in development). Lua works well for this kind of
stuff 'out of the box', and you've got the added advantage that it's relatively
easy to mess with the internals if needed.

I can't say if it's suited to your particular project, but you won't waste your
time spending a few days looking into it further.

The Lua license is a no-brainer for commercial products, too. Pike is GPL, which
could be problematic if you're intending to distribute your app.

--Luc Van den Borre