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> Lua 4.0 contains an undocumented function...

This is getting worryingly familiar. Perhaps a good thing to do for 4.1
would be simply to "reconcile" the code and documentation, and nothing else
(apart from bug fixes). It seems that dust gets into even the cleanest

Of course, I understand that most undocumented features are undocumented
because they're not designed for external use, but this doesn't apply to
many of Lua's internal functions, well-designed as they are.

malloc seems to be a case in point: Lua has some other useful malloc
functions that it uses internally, but could usefully be exposed, as at the
moment even the built-in libraries don't use them (and rightly so) but they
would be neater and more reliable if they did, I suspect.

-- | impatience, n.  the urge to do nothing