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On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Reuben Thomas wrote:

> Idea for the next version: just as in perl many people use -w all the
> time, why not make $debug the default? I'm sure that most programmers like
> what it does and would use it all the time, except for laziness and
> forgetfulness. It's much easier to take it out when the extra performance
> is needed than to remember to put it in...

	If I remember correctly it's done already, without loss of speed.

  --Alex		Lab. de Computação Gráfica/UFC
|"Minha força vem da solidão. Não tenho medo das chuvas tempestuosas nem das |
| grandes ventanias soltas, pois eu também sou o escuro da noite."	     |
|	- Clarice Lispector						     |