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> How can I implement a USER-friendly method to work with 
> arrays/matrices. (i.e. create, redim, access elements etc.)? 
> I'd like to allow my users to do something like:
> arrayA = array(NumCols, NumRows)   --create array
> numberB = getval(arrayA, Col, Pos)    --access elements
> redim(arrayA, ColDelta, RowDelta)   --realloc
> arrayC = arrayA     -- copy whole array
> arrayD = arrayA+arrayB   --arithmetic operators
> Do I have to use the USERDATA tag for arrayA, arrayB ..., or can I do 
> this with tables?

Forget the unflexibility of "legacy programming languages" like maybe C 
or BASIC (>>yuck<<).
You need not to "redimensioning" anything. Just add new elements- or 
even dimensions. Even don't think about indexes being contigous

-A table can contain tables, so one solution for two dimensional 
matrices can be a table of tables
-you don't have to specify a size ever
- to cleanup, just assign nil or leave the scope where the table
is valid, the garbage collector does the rest