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--- David Jeske <> wrote:
> Interesting. This is a very python-esq concept. In Python, multiple
> return arguments are tuples, and they are conceptually
> interchangable. In Python you could do:
> class Position:
>   def __init__(self,x,y):
>     self.x = x
>     self.y = y
>   def xy(self):
>     return (self.x,self.y)
> pos = Position(4,5)
> a_point = pos.xy()       # pso = (4,5)
> x,y = a_point            # x = 4, y = 5
> x,y = pos.xy()           # x = 4, y = 5
> Then, with drawtext, you could do:
> def drawtext((x,y), text):
>   # do some work to draw your text
> drawtext((2,3), "draw some text at 2,3")
> drawtext(a_point,"draw some text at a_point")
> drawtext(pos.xy(),"draw some text at pos.xy()")

I really like that usage.  I like being able to code drawtext as:


which is more flexible interface than


and still being able to call it as

Or being able to do say something succinct like


instead of

  drawrect(,,,, clr.r, clr.g, clr.b).
To bad. :(

Apparently Lua's doesn't allow this because:
   A) it's easier to implement if you discard values
   B) it would be confusing when used with functions that don't always return the same number of

Personally I would rather have all return values used all the time.  Potential confusion could be
avoided with a little discipline (as with other Lua features), and you would really be able to
*use* this unique feature of Lua.

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