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> This appears to require 4.0, no?


>  I should have put the extra requirement that I need this in 3.2.

You can do something similar, but instead of changing the table of globals,
you will have to copy all globals to a new table, and then erase all globals.
It will be slower, but I think it works:

  -- save these functions, as they will be erased from global space
  local foreach, foreachvar, setglobal = foreach, foreachvar, setglobal
  local oldstate = {}
  -- save current globals
  foreachvar(function(n,v) %oldstate[n] = v end)
  foreachvar(function(n) %setglobal(n, nil) end)   -- erase all globals

  ...  -- set tag method and dofile as before

  local newstate = {}
  -- save new globals in this state
  foreachvar(function(n,v) %oldstate[n] = v end)
  foreachvar(function(n) %setglobal(n, nil) end)   -- erase new globals
  -- restore old globals
  foreach(oldstate, function(n,v) %setglobal(n,v) end)

-- Roberto