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>   local newenv = {}
>   local oldenv = globals()
>   local oldtm = gettagmethod(tag(nil), 'getglobal)
>   settagmethod(tag(nil), 'getglobal', function (varname)
>     return %oldenv[varname]
>   end)  -- alow new environment to use all variables from old one
>   globals(newenv)   -- set new environment
>   dofile(filename)
>   globals(oldenv)   -- restore environment
>   settagmethod(tag(nil), 'getglobal', oldtm)
>   return newenv

That's brilliant, Roberto!

Every time I think "now here's something that Lua probably can't do well" I
seem to be proven wrong.  With a couple of very minor tweaks the code you've
written can be turned into a full-fledged Lua module system.