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- Subject: Re: compiling poslib to cgilua
- From: Flavio Spolidoro <spol@...>
- Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:01:56 -0300
I am currently using poslib with CGILua with no problem. You must use the
LuaNG to compile the poslib.
If you want I can send my lib .so to you.
Flavio Spolidoro.
At 02:45 PM 9/27/00 -0300, you wrote:
>On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 tomas@ccpa.puc-rio.br wrote:
>> Some time ago I used poslib with CGILua (I needed a lock function)
>> and it compiled perfectly! What version of CGILua do you have? Version
>> 3.2 was made with a different Lua version (Lua 3.2 with states).
>> CGILua have 'getcwd' function that returns a string with the current
>> working directory.
>I compiled poslib with Lua 3.2. My CGILua version is 3.2. It's said you
>should compile your libraries normally. The problem is that poslib doesn't
>build a shared library.
>> > libposlib.so: undefined symbol: __cmpdi2
>> This looks to me like the symbols that are specific to the GNU C
>> library.
>> Maybe your libposlib.so is compiled with an older version of GCC or
>> using an older version of GLIBC.
>> Probably just your libposlib.so is out of date, since you seem to be
>> able to compile in general.
>The libposlib.so was built in the same box it's suposed to run. The static
>version works fine. I didn't get the compiler/library question above. How
>newer should them be? The same as CGILua was built? I supose it's quite
>newer than that.
> --
>Pablo Saldo - pablo@ecomp.furg.br
> ec4pas@super.furg.br