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Should this kind of thing be a warning or error that you can turn off
either when Lua is started or via a #define when Lua is compiled?  Of
course then you create different states for Lua that are needed to compile
different code --- probably a bad idea unless these were flagged as
warnings and the warnings were by default turned off.

I guess a list of simple lua modifications on the website could include
this one.

Personally I think the code below is sensible and clean --- it would be
nice if the language would allow it.


>>This code doesn't:
>>myFunc = function ()
>>  Test = {}
>>  function Test:init() end
>>Lua says:
>>  lua error: `end' expected (to close `function' at line 3);
>>  last token read: `function' at line 5 in file `test.lua'
>Lua 4.0 says:
>error: cannot nest this kind of function declaration;
>  last token read: `function' at line 5 in file `(stdin)'
>So, this is a feature :-)
>It might be a bad feature: it's a kind of "hand-holding", helping the user.
>We think it might be a user error, as 3.2 said:
>	`end' expected to close `function'.
>This might happen if you really forgot the `end', as in
>function myFunc()
> Test = {}
>function Test:init()
>The identation here implies a different intention by the user and there's
>an `end' missing to close `function' myFunc.
>Perhaps this "hand-holding" isn't that useful...
>>I thought "a:b()" was syntaxical sugar for "a.b(a)"(?)
>Yes, for calls, yes. For definitions, it works only in the outer level.