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> > Does ToLua handle C++ namespaces?  If not, is there a workaround?

> tolua handles "module", a concept similar to namespace.
> if you have a .pkg file with:
> module modulename
> {
>      #define N
>      extern int var;
>      int func (...):
> }
> it is valid to write the following lua code:
> print(modulename.N, modulename.var)
> modulename.func(...)
Nice!  But how about if I want ToLua to create access to a variable that is
within a namespace.  For example, if my C++ code has the following:

namespace big
	int stuff;

it would be accessed (if not within the namespace "big") with the line

	big::stuff = 10;

Can I put something like this in a .pkg file?  (Without the assignment, that

> > What about Templates?

> there is no support for templates,
> but you can map instances of templates.

> $typedef MyList<double> NumberList;

> class NumberList {
>  ...
> };

Excellent!  Thanks...
