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I would like to know more about tkLua.
My old GUI code will be converted using tkLua with explicit positions just like :

  b1=button{"one"; x=100,y= 50 }  -- out of tklua spec.
  b2=button{"two"; x=100,y=100 }
  d=tkmain{b1,b2; width=300,height=200}

Because handreds of widget positions are already written and accepted by users.
I did not successfuly use "place" geometry manager so far:

  d=tkmain(b1, {x=100,y=50}, b2, {x=100,y=100} }  -- error

Please let me figure out proper tkLua usage, and I will write a small 
lua function to convert them. An equivalent Tcl code is following :

  frame  .f
  place  .f -width 300 -height 200
  button .f.b1 -text "one"
  place  .f.b1 -x 100 -y 50 
  button .f.b2 -text "two"
  place  .f.b2 -x 100 -y 100 

Thank you in advance.

Yutaka UENO  Electrotechnical Laboratory
1-1-4 Umezono, Tukuba 305-8568 Japan  TEL +(298)61-5965 /FAX 5938