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Ken Rawlings <> wrote:
>    Since there seems to be quite a bit of interest in Lua benchmarks,
>    here's my results from a multi-language numeric benchmark I ran a
>    while back to get a general feel for the speed of several languages.
>    In each case nothing special was done for optimization, either in 
>    the language or in the compiler settings. Take the benchmark with
>    a large grain of salt -- it's by no means comprehensive.
>    (PII300, NT4.0):
>    Language             Seconds
>    -------------------  -------
>    C [MSVC 5.0]         1.5
>    Java 1.2.1 (Classic) 1.2
>    Java 1.1.6           44.1
>    Lua 3.1              65.8
>    Perl 5.005           202.8
>    Python 1.5.2         91.2
>    TCL 8.1              205.6
>    TCL 8.0.5            392.9
> _Ken


Could you send me the Python and Perl code for this benchmark?
