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  It may just be a fault with the documentation, but random() doesn't work
as described under certain circumstances.  Specifically, it doesn't handle
0 (zero) very well -- caused by the use of default values in the
luaL_opt_int() calls, I believe.

  For the two-parameter form:  The call "random(1,10)" works properly, but
the call "random(0,9)" behaves as the zero-parameter form and returns a
float 0..1 not an int 0..9.  Easy to work-around and just subtract 1 from
the former style, but should be fixed.

  For the single-parameter form:  The call "random(0)" (which is probably
undefined according to the definition in the docs) also behaves as the
zero-parameter form and returns float 0..1.  But that's probably preferable
to returning nil or {} to mean "undefined".  Though I might have expected
it to return a constant 0 integer (since the range of l and u becomes
0..0), just as "random(1)" returns a constant 1 (since the range of l and u
becomes 1..1).

