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>From Thu Jul 29 01:58:27 1999
>From: Dave Bollinger <>

>It seems
>then, if I'm on the right track now, that one of the neat "tricks" with
>upvalues is using a function to return a newly created function which uses
>upvalues - and since it's newly created, the upvalues are "current".  So
>each time you call the "creator" function it could return a different
>function based on the current value of the thing referenced by the upvalue.

Something like this:

 function add(a) retunr function (x) return x+%a end end


this prints (10+1)+(30+20)

>   I need to revisit the factorial.lua test code.  I remember going around
>in circles trying to figure that one out!  <grin>  Is this type of "trick"
>what you were intending to demonstrate there?

factorial.lua shows that the standard "functional programming" Y function
is definable in lua. It *is* pretty hard to understand.
I guess there should be a better example in the test directory that uses