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   OK, I just discovered the copy of the mailing list and
realized the the archive I had read was not entirely current.  Looking back
over the last 100 or so messages I see many of my same questions being
asked (extensions in DLL's, state management, etc).  So I think I'll shut
up for a while until I've had a chance to digest the rest of that
historical info.  ;)

   I'm not sure Pablo Saldo received this reply (can I get private e-mail
tagged as from the listproc?) so I'll post this again here:

 >> Can you share thiss DLL with me? I use Lua on university, but use
Delphi at work. 

   Well, being the newbie here, I'm probably not the most qualified to
build this thing for you, but...  I just put up a page at:

   There are a couple of oddball things there (including a Lua port of
h2def, I sorta felt guilty upon reflection for posting an Awk script to
this list, such treason! <grin>)  I haven't done a full a Delphi import
unit though, so you'll have to tackle that on your own (have you done it
before?  basically just shuffle the declaration syntax then add "cdecl;
external 'LUA.DLL';" to the end of everything)

