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> The "efficient" way in Lua is to *index* a table of functions. something like:
>  action={
>          [1] = function (x) B1 end,
>          [2] = function (x) B2 end,
>          ["nop"] = function (x) B3 end,
>          ["my name"] = function (x) B4 end,
>  }
> then do
>  action[x](x)

The above solution will actually work fine for me.
Thanks a lot.

Also I was wondering if someone has already written (and would
graciously like to share)
some kind of lua add-on that would enable us to dynamically load object
The reason I need this is that some functions are too time consuming to
be implemented
in lua hence it would be nice to be able to write them in c/c++ and
somehow make the
compiled object "dynamically" visible to lua.