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I've been testing and trying to get 'toLua v2.0' to work, but with no
success.  I'm using version 3.0 of the Macintosh Interpreter from Claudio
Terra.  I've repeatedly crashed with a hard restart, so I don't have much
information to help you.  Here's what I've been trying to do in some detail:

>From the Interpreter's console window I've typed the following:


Below is the "cleaned header file "test_1.pkg" (obviously very basic):

#ifndef TESTER
#define TESTER    1

void beep(short i);


During one of my attempts, I got the following:

lua: unexpected type for concatenation
Active Stack:
    function whatIs at line 93 [in file cparser.lua]
    function parseChunk at line 392 [in file cparser.lua]
    main of tolua.lua at line 913
    function dofile [in file (C)]
    main of (dostring) >> dofile("tolua.lua")

If I can be of any assistance please feel free to email.
