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> 	  __newindex = function(self,k,v)
> 	    if k == 'x' then
> 	      -- magic  code to set x portion of self to v
> 	    elseif k == 'y' then
> 	      -- magic code to set y portion of self to v
> 	    end
> 	  end
> 	}
>   What am I missing?

Whatever you do, __newindex receives a copy of the original 'v', not
the original. If 'v' is/has a pointer (created with allocation), then
the copy and the original point to the same memory, and changing that
memory affects both 'v' and the original value. If 'v' does not
is/has a pointer, then changing it cannot affect the original value
that 'v' is a copy.

-- Roberto