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>>> local B = coroutine.clone(A)  -- hypothetical
> The common term for this is call/cc or
> call-with-current-continuation:

Not quite, I think.  A continuation - at least as I know them - can be
called multiple times, resuming from the same point each time.  As I
understand it, the coroutine.clone proposed in the quote above leads to
something similar, but calling it resumes the coroutine - the original
and the clone can be called only once each before they proceed,
mutating their state-of-computation.

I suspect this is the multi-shot/one-shot difference you talk about.
(I can't read the paper you link to; the link you gave,, doesn't work for
me.  The TCP connection comes up, and it ACKs the request, but even
after waiting ten minutes I have zero octets of response traffic.
Oddly, it doesn't answer pings, and mtr to it gets to,
which has forged rDNS, before failing.  Maybe the machine is sick?)

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