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Hi all,
Here are my 2c...

I stumble _all the time_ on problems in which some syntactical
extensions would help me a lot... for example, a few months ago I was
working on toy interpreters, and having a "let rec" like this

would have made my code much shorter. I experimented with many kinds
of helper functions and DSLs, but I didn't get anything really good.

It would be fantastic - IMNSHO; hint, hint =P =P - if the authors of
packages like LpegRex and MetaLua used some of these proposals as
excuses to show how to implement those ideas using their packages...

    Eduardo Ochs

On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 12:45, Mouse <> wrote:
 Sometimes.  But sometimes the problem is ugly enough that you _need_
workarounds.  And even if not, sometimes a quick workaround in an hour
or two is a righter answer than a day or two redesigning various
pieces.  (But sometimes not, too.  Knowing which way to go on that sort
of point is part of the skill of programming.)