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Hi Philippe,

It's what I'm doing but I wander if there is not a smarter way.
As example, I used some other tools, that can guess their own library location based on versions, why not Lua ?

Le mardi 25 mai 2021 à 15:57:45 UTC+2, Philippe Verdy <> a écrit :

Why not setting the environment in the command line or script launching your Conky, with just the appropriate Lua version in its path ?
Consider setting a shell variable storing the "5.1" or "5.3" version you want, then use that variable to set the LUA_PATH, something like:

LUA_PATH="./?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/luarocks/share/lua/$LUA_VER/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/luarocks/share/lua/$LUA_VER/?/init.lua;/usr/lib/lua/ $LUA_VER /?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/ $LUA_VER /?/init.lua"
conky ...

Le mar. 25 mai 2021 à 10:22, Laurent FAILLIE <> a écrit :

after upgrading my Gentoo, I discovered that some tools (like Conky) supports on Lua 5.3 now.
Which is problematic for me as I'm still having other tools needing Lua 5.1

Is it a way to integrate Lua's versions in
???? For the moment, I have something like this one,
but it is took in account by both versions so creating problem issue with 5.3 tools.

