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Thanks for the reply. The host app does not export its lua API symbols. I had seen some kind of proxy dll on the lua wiki as a workaround but I'm not sure it's updated and/or relevent to my case?

On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 10:34 PM Andrew Gierth <> wrote:
>>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Mason <> writes:

 Marcus> Hi, I'm trying to build lpeg to use with lua embedded in a
 Marcus> windows application. Everytime I try to load my dll into the
 Marcus> application, I get "multiple vm versions detected". I checked
 Marcus> and the host application has linked statically to lua 5.3.1
 Marcus> (I'm also linking statically against lua 5.3.1). Any wisdom on
 Marcus> building c libraries for this kind of setup?

The host application has to export its Lua API symbols and the dll has
to link against that export library, it can't use its own embedded copy
of the code.
