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On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 7:57 PM, Daurnimator <> wrote:
> On 15 March 2018 at 13:51, ThePhD <> wrote:
>> - Things explode at runtime, which a quick compiler check or linter check
>> could have saved me on. (Not just parsing my code. 'Did you mean to type
>> polx instead of polex?' Would have saved me 2 hours of tired, baggy-eyed
>> print()-ing)
>> -- Subset of above, many libraries handle `nil` because there's no
>> distinction in the language of `nil` versus `none`, making `nil` parameters
>> from that mistyped global get defaulted to some default value that just
>> manifests itself in specific runtime conditions and I guess it's time to do
>> some more debugging and vigorous checking and aaaaaah.
> Why don't you use a linter?
> luacheck is great at catching the simpler sort of things.

It's also integrated into ZeroBrane Studio, so you just need to
configure it to be used instead of the default linter [1]. You can
also install AnalyzeAll plugin that will check all lua files in your
project [2].

