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On 7 March 2018 at 15:23, Pierre Chapuis <> wrote:
> Not only that, people write code that assumes it runs on LuaJIT and
> uses the FFI anyway...

hey, the FFI is the nicest thing of LuaJIT!  in fact, it happens to me
a lot that i start a project in a somewhat modern Lua, and then
appears something that would some C... at that point I have to
consider: is this a "serious thing, where i do care about the users?"
then I use the Lua C API.  if it's a quick and dirty thing, then i
switch to LuaJIT and use the FFI.  (no, i don't consider luaffi)

> Here is a scenario I think could happen though: LuaJIT dies for
> lack of proper maintenance and one of its forks (e.g. RaptorJIT)
> rises from its ashes, with a maintainer who cares about this issue.

I have some hopes for LuaVermelha.  the OMR components are _much_
heavier than LuaJIT, but in theory could bring pretty nice performance
without forking the language.

> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018, at 04:34, Mason Bogue wrote:
>> Also, Google project announcements do not mean much. Many are "20%
>> projects" that die within two years. See e.g. unladen-swallow.
> Flutter is hardly this kind of project. It is Google's answer to Facebook's
> React Native, and marketed as a recommended way to build Android
> applications. I think Google is dedicating significant resources to it.

I for one, would never consider "react native" a usable solution (JS
is (sometimes) nice enough. React is not. npm means "close the tab").
Dart, OOTH, is actually a very nice language, especially now that it's
fully static and AOT compiled.  Unfortunately, most of the Lua
solutions for mobile seem too focused on games, which is not my
personal interest.
