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>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Haley <> writes:

 Russell> Ugh, I'm so intellectually lazy I had to read your answers.
 Russell> (rolling of eyes at myself). This is where I was going with it
 Russell> last night but couldn't figure it out. I agree with Martin
 Russell> that it's not very pretty.

This is the LPeg version, though it's stricter about following the
actual CSV spec than the solutions above:

  local re = require 're'

  local csv_sub_re = re.compile [[
  file       <- {~ record (%nl record)* (%nl / !.) ~}
  record     <- field ((',' -> '~') field)*
  field      <- escaped / nonescaped
  nonescaped <- [^,"%nl]*
  escaped    <- '"' ([^"] / '""' )* '"'

  newdata = csv_sub_re:match(data)
