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On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 03:22 Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
>From the official announcement on TeX lists:

After some ten years of development and testing, today we have released
LuaTeX 1.0.0! Instead of staying below one and ending up with versions
like 0.99.1234, we decided that the moment is there to show the TeX
audience that LuaTeX is stable enough to loose its beta status. Although
functionality has evolved and sometimes been replaced, we have been using
LuaTeX in production right from the start. Of course there are bugs
and for sure we will fix them.

LuaTeX offers inter alia a Lua interpreter with preloaded batteries
(lpeg, lfs and many more). You still need to require them, but not
to install them separately.

This is really nice to hear! I've been a big fan of LuaTeX.